A natter about life and faith in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
4 years ago

#11 – Coronavirus, Covenant and James Ussher of Armagh

Ben and Craig talk to Rev. Dr. Harrison Perkins (assistant pastor of London City Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland) about his own life and faith, about ministry in London during the ongoing Coronavirus lockdown and about his new book, Catholicity and the Covenant of Works: James Ussher and the Reformed Tradition.

Follow us on Twitter @PCIcast. Follow Ben @benspreston, follow Craig @rookieminister and follow our guest Harrison Perkins @HarrisonP87 and London City Presbyterian Church @londoncitypres

You can view Harrison's video series on Covenant Theology by going to LCPC's website or their YouTube channel. You can also pre-order Harrison's book on the Evangelical Bookshop's website. Have a browse while you're there.